201-942-9089 [email protected]

Fix And Flip Hacks: Painting Tricks To Modernize an Old House

Styles change, but homes don’t. When you purchase an older investment property, it can seem like the house needs a complete design overhaul to appeal to modern buyers, even if the quality is still great. Fortunately, there are simple ways to revamp your fix and flip...

How To Set Up and Open an LLC For Real Estate

What is an LLC? A limited liability company (LLC) is a distinct legal entity that can provide legal protection and tax benefits to company owners. LLCs can be owned by a single individual or by multiple individuals, so you can use an LLC whether you are investing on...

New Jersey Fix And Flip Report 2018

NJ Real Estate Market Overview [su_row][su_column]Although national foreclosures are at an all-time low, NJ foreclosures are the highest they’ve been in eleven years. Just last year, the total number of bank-owned homes jumped from 1,448 to 2,308. Part of the reason...

Tips For Real Estate Investing For Busy Individuals

Real estate investing can provide a steady source of passive income while you build the value of your assets and overall wealth. But when your professional or personal commitments already leave you wishing for more hours in a day than are available, it’s hard to...

Fix And Flip Investor Spotlight: Jenee Anderson

Our featured borrower in this Fix And Flip Investor Spotlight Interview is Jenee Anderson. Jenee is a repeat ABL borrower with a background in sales and design as well as a degree in Business Management and Fashion Merchandising. Jenee is the owner of her own fix and...